Frequently Asked Questions
Click on our frequently asked questions to find out more information about the Cafetto range.
Why is cleaning your machine and equipment important?
What machines can Cafetto products clean?
Who certifies Cafetto’s Certified Organic Range?
Why do I need to descale a machine?
What is hard water?
What is scale and hard water scale?
What is the difference between an espresso cleaner and a descaler?
How often should you descale your machine?
How should Cafetto products be stored?
Why do you need to clean your grinder?
How often should I clean my grinder?
Can I use Grinder Clean on a fully automatic espresso machine?
Is your Grinder Clean Gluten Free?
What is the difference between organic products and non-organic?
What is the difference between a powder and a tablet cleaner for traditional espresso machines?
Which MFC should I use for my machine?
Why do I need to alternate between an acidic milk cleaner and an alkaline milk cleaner?
Do I need to clean my steam wand?
How do I clean my steam wand?
Do I need to descale my machine if I use filtered water, or water purification technology (RO)?
Why am I seeing yellow specks on my Cafetto tablets and can these tablets be used for cleaning my coffee machine?
How do I know if I'm seeing a counterfeit product on external sites?
Why am I seeing a bloating at the bottom of my product jar?
What is the expected shelf life for Cafetto products?